"In March 2020 when COVID-19 brought everything to an absolute halt the District administration Srinagar started looking for a mechanism that would allow them to address public grievances in minimum possible time. The conventional ways of handling the complaints through multiple mobile phones and Excel Sheets was a massive challenge. This is where Clearwire Technologies Pvt. Ltd. came in. "
Wajahat Ahmad
Wajahat Dewani

Clearwire leverages Zoho Desk to resolve people's concerns during the pandemic

"Collaboration is like carbonation for fresh ideas. Working together bubbles up ideas you would not have come up with solo, which gets you further faster."
Caroline Ghosn

Clearwire Technologies Pvt Ltd, Zoho, and Target Integration collaborated together to create an innovative platform that assisted thousands of residents in getting their problems resolved during the challenging and unprecedented COVID lockdown. By pooling their expertise and resources together, the three companies were able to create a unique and sophisticated solution that catered to the needs of the residents in a user-friendly and efficient manner. The creation of this platform speaks volumes about the power of collaboration and teamwork in achieving a common goal- to assist people in their time of need. This initiative not only provided an effective solution for those in need but also exemplified how technology can be leveraged to empower communities, especially during a crisis. The platform’s success is a testament to the tireless efforts of these three companies who have made a positive impact on the lives of thousands of people across the nation. Read what we did and how we did it. 

In the press




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